Top 5 Apps which students should consider to deal with exam result stress? 10th class & 12th Class


Exams are over but not the fear of the result or the fear of the consequences of the result. The board exam results still decide the future and life of a student. The months of hard work, the pressure of making crucial decisions for coming future and most importantly the pressure of living up to the expectations of family and society is what makes one measure the importance of life through their exam results. The number of students dealing with stress and depression is growing day by day everywhere. Here are some apps that could help students during this phase:

30 Days Challenge:
Exercise can play an important role in the mental health of a student. Students have been devoiced of physical activity during exams and external pressure of result can affect their health. Exercise release endorphins that trigger a positive feeling in the body. The app has various exercises under 30 Day Challenge and maintains the chart of a person physical health.



Students are under high stress due to result and might feel lonely or in worse case land into depression if the results don’t meet their or family’s expectation. With private session through chat, call or videos and Whatsapp, the leading mental healthcare online platform could help students to pass this crucial phase of school life. It has experienced student counsellors and psychologists that are 24*7 available to the individuals in the comfort of their homes or wherever they may be. It  Will therapy by ePsyClinic is designed for recovery from mental health issues through 24*7 on demand therapists from all over India with all regional languages.

My Fitness Pal:                                                                                                                              Food is another factor that can help boost the mood. My Fitness Pal app counts calories and informs how one can get all of the nutrients needed for a complete and balanced diet. Fruit, vegetables and drinking plenty of water can make huge improvements to one’s physical and mental health.



ReachOut Breathe:
Whenever we feel anxious we feel the terrible, tight sensation in our chest. This sensation is usually felt by students during exams and results. It is caused by stress that affects breathing and creates exactly the kind of pain that the ReachOut Breathe app is designed to help one with. The app helps one to slow down and maintain breathing along with measuring the heart rate.


Meditation helps one to relax the mind. There have been researches that suggest that it can improve the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia, as well as reduce blood pressure. Headspace, a meditation app can be helpful for a student for not only exams but throughout the year. The app not only teaches the basics of mediation but offers a tracking page that helps users to track their progress, a buddy system that helps users to motivate their friends, reminders for staying on track, and a wide range of recordings for different moods and lifestyles.